Always Dreaming Preakness Odds

Posted : admin On 3/18/2022
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  2. Always Dreaming Preakness Odds For Today

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Always Dreaming Preakness Odds Genesis Open

Walls are a constant in life. Built as a structural base to the homes we reside in, as a protective barrier to keep enemies at bay, as the frame to the box we call life. It is within these walls that we find comfort, safety and a general sense of control. As demonstrated throughout history, walls are something that can't be maintained forever, and eventually need to come down, allowing us to grow.

Comfort, for many of us, comes in a bottle. Within the walls of glass, there is a liquid that makes us feel at ease and helps to knock a few layers off the partition we have hidden behind; emotionally, socially, sexually. There is a freedom that is granted with each sip, making the world seem less dangerous, our insecurities less overwhelming, and our desire to take risks more adventurous. Often, all of this breaking down of divisions comes with a catch. That bottle, with glass walls, is still something of a barrier itself, being of the same wine we have drank day in and day out, since 'house wine' became a popular marketing tool.

There is something to be said, and appreciated, about a wine that you can count on. It won't let you down, you know what to expect and there is little analysis that needs to take place to enjoy each glass. I am certainly an advocate for the comfortable. I have built quite the enclosure myself, within which I hide each day. Knowing what to expect is what allows me to function. I plan for everything, I analyze everything, and I keep everyone just beyond arm's reach, because I can control the comfort.

The intersection of my career and life often leads me here, where I reassess my path. My intense desire to share the experience of a never ending horizon of wine, has made me second guess the sky-high wall I have built around my life. It would be contradictory of me to continue to encourage people to 'try something new', 'be adventurous', or 'trust me', when I am not living those messages. Beyond my open mind to taste something new each day, and discover yet another wine that I can't imagine life without, I need to take down the bricks that surround my existence and let go of the control and comfort.Odds

Always Dreaming Preakness Odds For Today

Being vulnerable is scary, and the unknown when we are, is beyond frightening. Reading a German wine label will always be easier for me than letting someone reach for my hand to hold, but we all have to start somewhere.